September Newsletter

We have had a fantastic start to this school session. There has been a range of learning around various countries and a focus on the value diversity, culminating in a diversity event.


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact school to arrange an appointment.

Susan Leach


Vision and Values

Vision –

Lorne Primary School aims to provide high quality learning and teaching in a safe and nurturing environment, leading to success for all.


Values –






Science Ceilidh

All learners across Primary 1 to Primary 7 had the opportunity to participate in workshops run by Science Ceilidh. The learners enjoyed listening to the music and learning a number of dances. Many children came along to share these at the Ceilidh Celebration of Culture.


Ceilidh Celebration of Culture

We celebrated our diverse community on Saturday 21st September with a Ceilidh Celebration of Culture event. We danced, ate food from around the world and met with community groups. It was great to see so many members of our local community. Thank you to everyone who came along.


And, a huge thank you to Lorne Parent Council (@wearelorne) for organising such a successful event.


House Captain Elections

We are very proud of each and every Primary 7 pupil who ran to be a House or Vice Captain. Each candidate demonstrated that they were a Confident Individual and Successful Learner.


We have elected the following candidates;


Abisha (Captain) and Anuska (Vice Captain)


Nabiha (Captain) and Aizah (Vice Captain)


Madi (Captain) and Lucy (Vice Captain)


Nicole (Captain) and Zara (Vice Captain)

House and Vice Captains have already led their first assembly, focussing on Pupil Voice and gathering the views of all learners.



The rules at Lorne are;

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Safe

The rules are easy to remember and contribute to the ethos of the school. We regularly revisit what it means to be Ready, Respectful and Safe in and around school and there is a poster competition running from next week with House Captains and Vice Captains selecting the winners for each of the rules.



We are delighted to let you know that;

  • Mrs Anderson had a baby boy on Tuesday 27th August, he is called Hugo. Mrs Anderson is currently getting used to life with 3 boys!
  • Mrs Whitten had a baby girl on Friday 20th Mummy and Maisie are both doing well.


Maths Week Scotland

Maths Week Scotland runs from Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October and teachers have been working hard to plan and prepare a range of Maths and Numeracy activities for the learners to engage with over the week.


There will be a sharing learning on Friday 4th October between 12pm and 1.30pm in the gym hall.



Please remember that the playground is unsupervised in the morning before school. The teachers will arrive on the playground to collect children at 8.55am.


At the end of the school day, the Primary 1 and 2 children should be collected on the front playground at 2.55pm. Primary 3 children should be collected at 3.20pm. Primary 4-7 children are dismissed at 3.20pm. Please ensure that your child is aware of arrangements for collection or making their way home (P4-7).


Meet the Teacher/Primary 1 Curriculum Evening

Thank you to all families that came along to our Meet the Teacher event and Primary 1 Curriculum evenings. It was an opportunity for families to hear about what children will be experiencing at Lorne this school session and the developments that have been identified to progress over the session.



Learners in the nursery have been enjoying participating in the Daily Mile, visiting the care home and are now accessing the back playground more. Gail the ‘toothbursh lady’ and Marvin the Monkey also visited the nursery to show the learners all how to brush their teeth through song!


Glee Club

Miss Haig is running a Primary 4-7 Glee Club on Tuesday from 3.30pm to 4.15pm. Ask the office for more information if your child would like to go along.


Parent Council

The next Parent Council Meeting will be on Monday 7th October at 6.30pm in the Primary 7 classroom. The Parent Council organise school events, support the school with fundraising and explore school improvement with staff. Your help is greatly appreciated.


The Parent Council meetings are child friendly, children can be brought along and watch a movie in a classroom. We look forward to seeing you there!


Halloween Disco

Our Parent Council are organising our annual Halloween disco. The disco will be on Monday 28th October. Please put the date in your diary and look out for letters coming home in bags soon!


Building Resilience

Our learners have been focussing on learning about ‘the river of life’ and the ups and downs that we might face along the way. They are looking forward to sharing learning with family through an assembly on Friday 1st November. More details to follow.


Parking Outside of School

Please can you ensure that you park safely around school if you are driving to drop off/pick up. Neighbours are reporting double parking and cars being left running. It is important that all learners are safe coming and going from Lorne and we appreciate your support with this.


Head Lice

Please ensure that you are checking your child’s hair regularly and treating this if found.


School Uniform

Having pride in being a Lorne learner is an important part of our school and it is great to see so many of our children in their school uniforms. All children should wear school uniform Monday to Friday. Jumpers, cardigans, fleeces, white polo t-shirts all with the Lorne Primary School badge and house gym t-shirts can all be purchased online at;



Lorne Primary School is on Twitter. We can be found @LorneSchool. On Twitter you can find out about exciting things that are happening in school, we are also trying to ensure that important dates and events are shared too.



We are closely monitoring attendance and lateness and will do this over the session. A reminder that if your child is late to school, please sign them into school at the front entrance.


Parent Pay

We are absolutely thrilled with the number of families that are now using ParentPay. Meals should be booked via ParentPay. Please come to school if you would like further assistance with this.


School Calendar

All term dates and times can be found on this link;